An x-ray report form is presented after undergoing an x-ray process to analyze your inner body condition. It is a very common form in the medical science and this form is available in all hospitals and clinics. The form describes what your x-ray report says. If you want to know more details, you can choose the x-ray refusal form. Generally, x-ray is used to identify the problems in your bones and if any, this form describes the type of the problem.
The template of the form contains information about the parts of the body where the x-ray process is conducted. If there is any problem, it denotes what kind of issue is that. The form should be examined by the doctor. It is a release form and after completing x-ray, the form is given to you. Here a sample of this form is provided.
You can download the format of this form in both PDF and word file and after that you can customize it as per your need.
X-Ray Report Form
Download Easy to Edit X-Ray Report Form at only $3.00
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