A cash receipt form is produced when one makes a transaction by cash and the forms gives the details of the transaction to the buyers. The cash receipt form is more like a sales receipt and it includes every detail of the purchase. A company also needs a sample petty cash receipt form when one receives money from the petty cash box for the official purpose. Such type of form is essential as it avails one to return the goods or products without taking any hassle.
A cash receipt template carries the information, including the type of business, product sold by the company, total cash amount and the quantity of coins and checks. The form also carries information regarding the tax. Such type of form helps in maintaining the transparency. A company also performs other forms, including money receipt, church cash receipt as per the purpose.
You can download the format of the cash receipt form in both PDF and word file. Customize the document as per your needs.
Cash Receipt Form Template
Download Easy to Edit Cash Receipt Form Template at only $3.00